Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Start Time: 6:00 PM
Entry Cap: Not capped
Start List:
Location: Registration and start line will be 2 miles up the Frying Pan Road from Basalt
Event Type: Road
Time Trial Course:
All waves start approximately 2 miles up Frying Pan Road from Basalt and finish approximately 1 mile further up Frying Pan. Men’s A, Men’s B and Women’s A turn around just past the dam for an approximately 22.75-mile race; all other categories turn around at Cap K Ranch for an approximately 13-mile race.
Social Distancing Protocol and Start Times
To help ensure the safety of all racers, volunteers and staff, we will follow these protocols:
- All time trials will have pre-assigned start times through the web registration process.
- If this is your first race of the season, please check in and pick up your bib numbers at least 15 minutes before the first racer’s start time.
- You will receive your start time in advance of the race via email.
- Please arrive in the start queue no later than 30 seconds before your start time, but no earlier than 10 minutes before your start time. Do not congregate with other riders at the start or finish. Failure to meet this requirement will mean a forfeiture of start position and relegation to end of start list.
- We will not have start line holders for time trials. All racers must start from a full stop with one foot on the ground.
- Leave 6 feet of distance between yourself and other riders when passing or being passed. Announce yourself when passing.
- Individuals at high risk for COVID-19 are asked to stay home.
- If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home.
The Frying Pan road race is ACC’s longest and most attended race. Even with its length and climbs, this race typically comes down to a series of pack finishes.
In order to accurately collect your finish time and position, you need to pin your number in the correct position (see image below). The camera needs to see your bib as you cross the line. If the camera can’t see your bib, you don’t get a time.
The bib needs to be placed on your RIGHT RIB CAGE so that it can be read while your hands are on the handlebars. USE FOUR (OR MORE) PINS. DO NOT FOLD NUMBER. Racers need to keep their hands on their bars (don’t sit up) when crossing the finish line. Bibs should be pinned on the right rib cage.

Reminder: *** Since this is a road race on open roads, Middle School Racers are NOT ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE****
Parking: Limited parking is available at the start line approximately 2 miles up the Frying Pan Road. Racers are encouraged to park in Basalt and ride to the start as part of their warm-up.
Volunteer: To sign up to marshal for this race or any race go to the Marshal Sign-Up
Race Check-In: All racers must verbally check-in at each mass start race regardless of membership level. Race check-in will take place from 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM at the start of the race (unless specifically noted otherwise). Please wear a mask when checking-in.
Check-in is not required for time trial races.
We will issue your race numbers at your first race. You will keep the same number for the entire season.
Categories: Click Here for more information about our race categories.
Race Cancellation Policy: PLEASE DO NOT PHONE OR TEXT THE RACE DIRECTOR FOR RACE CANCELLATION INFORMATION. In the event of inclement weather on race day, the Aspen Cycling Club Board of Directors will communicate with the Race Director to determine the Club’s ability to operate a race that is reasonably safe for competitors, and, for mountain bike races, preserves the integrity of local trails. All racers should assume that a final decision will be made at the start line by the race director. However, when possible, the Board of Directors will alert racers of a race cancellation prior to the start by emailing the Club email group, and posting on the website and the ACC Facebook page by 5pm.
Refund Policy: Race entry fees are non-refundable.